Dave Winer has been asking in Twitter for a way to incorporate specific twitters/tweets in to his blog over at scripting.com. My suggestion is to use the starred items feature (Favorites) on Twitter.
I too would like to integrate Twitter more selectively in to my blog. Twitter’s API, under “Favorite Methods” allows you to set specific tweets to be starred, or favorites.
If you want to want to have a set of targeted tweets which you’ll highlight in your blog, star your own tweets and pull the feed (here’s their RESTful documentation for how to do that):
Returns the 20 most recent favorite statuses for the authenticating user or user specified by the ID parameter in the requested format.
URL: http://twitter.com/favorites.format
Formats: xml, json, rss, atom
- id. Optional. The ID or screen name of the user for whom to request a list of favorite statuses. Ex:http://twitter.com/favorites/bob.json or http://twitter.com/favorites/bob.rss
- page. Optional. Retrieves the 20 next most recent favorite statuses. Ex: http://twitter.com/favorites.xml?page=3
In other words, with the above documentation, you would just pull the RSS feed for your favorites and have it rendered on your blog. This method works best for me since it allows after-the-fact selection, addition, and removal.
So, would I be able to completely replace the publishing on my blog via twitter instead of using my blog admin? Maybe twitter will eventually replace my wordpress/blogger blogs
Professional Blog Integrators
Yes, but you'd be limited to 140 character posts. Ultimately blogs will just be mashups of various services.
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Thanks for your post, I have been looking to integrate twitter for my blog and you have a very valid point to make.
Thanks for the instructions, this has given a kickstart and I am going to try this out.
Me too I have been looking to integrate twitter for my blog. Thanks for the detailed explanations.