Nokia and Yahoo!?

Tim O’Reilly twittered this article on the five reasons Nokia should put a bid in on Yahoo!

I’d go for that. I’ve written about what I like about Yahoo! and the reasons I like them as a company without search. Nokia making a play for Yahoo! makes sense. It creates a strong combination as a mobile platform company from two forward thinking complimentary companies…

So unlikely, yet I couldn’t hope for a better Yahoo! suitor. I’m sure we’ll be seeing mobile manufacturers picking up more of the web-co’s.

Brain-drain prediction due to asian success

Pic of IT walking awayI’m reading more and more about IT in Asia having trouble retaining technically competent employees. Salaries are growing to impressive levels. In Singapore, salaries are closing in on Silicon Valley levels. With the present competition for talent growth in that country, salaries will soon be greater there.

<prediction>We won’t be looking at an all-out brain-drain, but with the present economic climate in the US and the present growth in Asia, we’re looking at some movement of IT in the next five years.</prediction>