Installing tile – real developers do it themselves

Tiling 19 Tiling 8 Tiling 15

Tiling... Done! iFlickr IMG_0444.JPG

This weekend my wife and I got an early start Friday to finish off our bathroom’s tile. I’ve been photo-blogging it to Flickr and periodically putting up notes on Twitter. The last couple weekends have been similar, doing plumbing, floor tile, prep work, etc.

Though there is so much to do (more blog posts, tons of iofy priorities, and building in a certain web service), this is still satisfying work… Something everyone 1/2 interested in real estate should do at least once. I’m a software engineer and dev team manager because I love to build things. I think other developers should feel this way too.

More pics after the jump…

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Sharing the love with Google Shared items

Google Reader ImageLove

Google Reader has a great feature for sharing articles. It’s been a terrific way to share interesting and pertinent information affecting iofy and to give like-minded folks easy access to my favorite RSS feeds.

You can access my shared page here.

Or pull the feed here.

And with any luck, a drop of the most recent items will be on the sidebar of my blog… Sharing is caring.

Yahoo! security support update –

Heartsong Studios

After a pretty bad experience with Yahoo!’s merchant services security support while getting online, the site is finally up and running. Yahoo! does a decent job at outsourcing their support to work-at-home representatives. The one I got, Max, was nice enough.

I’m glad it’s over… Now my father’s site can start working for him.

Yahoo! security support sucks with a capital S

Yahoo! Security Support

Most of you know I rarely go out of my way to publicly voice such a negative opinion as I’m about to issue. Especially against a company for which: a) I hold stock, and b) I believe is one of the best large companies in Silicon Valley.

Today I signed up for Yahoo! Merchant Services for my father’s (a small time marimba making studio in Northern Cali). I’ve used Y!’s store system with partner sites at iofy, such as (a foreign language and ELT/ESL specialty store). I like Yahoo!’s store product and recommend it to others.

The signup process was a piece of cake. Zipped through the steps until the moment after my credit card was processed. At that point the added Security Key was requested. Since no security key had been initiated for the account, I was asked for information to generate a new one.

  • First question: “What is your name?” – duhhh…
  • Second question, “When is your birthday?” – better, but easily available on Facebook and elsewhere.
  • Third question: “What is your favorite city?” – I don’t remember, I’ll put in my hometown.

The third answer was wrong. I’ve had my Y! account almost as long as Y! has been in business. It’s probably a secret question I set a long time ago. Getting the third question wrong one time locked me out of merchant services and prompted to call Y!’s security team. Fine.

The wait time was minimal on the phone. As soon as a Y! human was on the line things went downhill. Here is an almost exact transcript of the conversation which took place. Names of people and places are replaced so you don’t get any ideas for h4c|<ing me, and so Y! doesn’t discipline the rep without learning more:

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