Performance is everything

The recent debates about Twitter’s performance has me thinking about iofy this weekend…

Way back when I started at iofy we had the challenge of creating PC and PocketPC applications that played secure audiobook content, displayed table of contents meta data and bookmarked. The applications needed to be under 200k, run on a 200MHz processor and be stable.A latent requirement was that the applications, to satisfy our reliability requirements, had to be statically linked so they could run from a chip without handling varying customer system configurations. Statically linked Microsoft libraries and our code within 200k in a real application. What?

Optimize, optimize, optimize.

iofy download iconNow we’re launching our download service which takes our original offering from a single chip on a single computer (or player) to a service which offers downloadable audiobook content.

There are more performance areas to optimize than you can shake a stick at (client, servers, db access, feed syncing, backups, etc). We’ve stuck to standards and performance as principle design requirements (and we’ve swung intelligently with big sticks.)

As we roll out iofy’s download technology I’ll touch on standards we’ve stuck to and how they may apply to you. I’ll be touching on performance considerations we’ve addressed, especially with feed synchronization. There will be pointers on how you can best integrate your eCommerce system with iofy’s API to offer downloadable content.

This is an exciting time for our engineering team at iofy. We’re seeing our latest hard work make its way to the mainstream.

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