Annoying Twitter Spam

It seems like half of the spam I’m getting on Twitter is from a certain six figure income dot com domain (I won’t dignify their site with a link). My complaint about it in a tweet yesterday hit a nerve in quite a few people.

I’m pretty sure it’s one person, sitting in a basement somewhere, who is mass creating accounts and running some mass following scripts.

This is very easy and completely doable by a single person (then annoys thousands). There isn’t a way to filter followers with such criteria, but @chadspacey put a great idea up on Flickr. It’d take a lot of work on the back end, but is a simple and community based approach, a-la craigslist.

6 thoughts on “Annoying Twitter Spam

  1. how bout spammer list on a page called hall of shame… or ask akismet help? Lucky me, I don't follow those annoying accounts…

  2. I never follow them. Perhaps a spam registry service that various
    Twitter clients integrate. akismet wouldn't work at that point, but a
    webmail service could be interesting.

  3. Thanks for that mention! Thanks to @hidama for linking me to this post! I'll add another thing about the Spam button idea… I like it when you get an email from from a follower and possible person you would follow that inside the email is the first twitter post. You'll find that most of the spam is in the first post. If that first twitter post were part of the email, you could then block all email with the link/address inside. Thus saving you time going to look at all the Twitter posts. Just a little added bonus.

    I'd also like to dig my friend @untulis for giving me a hard time last night (August 19th) when I post the picture with the Spam button. He twitted to me that Twitter already and a block button. I looked for the block button found it near the bottom and very small.

    Thanks again,

  4. Thanks Chad for finding it (and thanks @hidama for connecting us!). There's
    a lot of great things that could be done here, and hopefully before the
    service becomes too painful to use. Right now there are a couple bad apples,
    but it could get ugly in a hurry.

    The block feature is fine, but it only applies to the person blocking. It
    doesn't do any good for alerting others, which makes it useless ultimately
    in doing good for others. What really needs to be out there is an alert or
    personal ranking system.

    Twitter + personal security certificate = awesome mashup.

    Again, glad to have met you virtually and thanks again @hidama.


  5. Thanks Chad for finding it (and thanks @hidama for connecting us!). There's
    a lot of great things that could be done here, and hopefully before the
    service becomes too painful to use. Right now there are a couple bad apples,
    but it could get ugly in a hurry.

    The block feature is fine, but it only applies to the person blocking. It
    doesn't do any good for alerting others, which makes it useless ultimately
    in doing good for others. What really needs to be out there is an alert or
    personal ranking system.

    Twitter + personal security certificate = awesome mashup.

    Again, glad to have met you virtually and thanks again @hidama.


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